When you buy auto insurance, you want to know that your insurance will cover you completely.
Many people choose only to get the most inexpensive car insurance. But, they may not be getting all the critical bells and whistles that better policies provide.
With auto insurance riders, you can customize your policy. That way, you are always protected.

Rental Car Coverage
With rental car coverage, your car insurance company will cover some or all the cost of renting a vehicle. The type of rental you are eligible for will depend on the amount of coverage you have.
Rental car coverage is a rider you can buy through your insurance provider. The coverage is inexpensive when you consider the benefit of having it.
With rental car coverage, you won’t have to ask friends and family members for a ride following a car crash. You can rent a car at a local rental agent, generally without any cost to you.
Accident Forgiveness
The National Traffic Administration (NHTSA) estimates that car accidents happen every minute, on average. The potential to get into a car accident is ever-present. It’s critical that you have the appropriate coverage.
Accident forgiveness is an add-on that will help you protect the rate you pay for car insurance. With this rider, your rates remain the same even if you experience an at-fault accident. When you buy the accident forgiveness rider, you pay a little more now to avoid paying later.
Gap Insurance
If you buy a new car, then you know as soon as it leaves the dealership it will depreciate. Depreciation has a significant effect on how much your car insurance company pays.
Very few cars hold their value over the years. If you find that your car is one that depreciates rapidly, then you should purchase gap insurance.
Gap insurance gives covers the gap between your auto insurance payout and what you owe on your loan.
Basic car insurance ensures you can drive legally on the highway. But, it may not provide all the coverage you need. By adding coverage, you ensure that an auto accident won’t crush you financially.
Transworld Insurance Group is here to help you get the car insurance coverage you need. Explore our website or request an online quote. Give us a call today at 703-591-6668 for more information.